Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

Weirdo :|

Okay, this week is so weird and random for me. Why? Because when I slept for 30 minutes until 1 hour I always had a weird dream. I already told you about my weird dream with 1D in my last post (here's the post if you want to read it) and now? I'm dreamed about my ex-crush with Kak Ayat :| I don't know why must him? But it's okay, I already move on on him (y). And not just that dream, I dreamed about my other ex-crush, umm crush, umm haha Idk what's his status now :| So, me and him are have fun and have a laugh like the old time. I hope it's a sign :D lol.

For me, these dreams are weird :| But actually I like it haha. Just pretend like that's a joke. I hope that I will get more weird dreams like that.

So... What's your weird dream? Can you remember it again?  Maybe now you'll laugh because of it? Haha let's laugh together! (?)

Thank you for reading this post :) Good bye and see you fast! xoxo

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Weird dream

2 days ago, I was dreamed about 1D. yes, 1D. but I only saw Liam and Louis, Idk where's Zayn, Niall, and Harry. Ok just pretend like they're there lol.

So, we (me, Cherish, Riri, and Tata) were in the bus with the boys. we're in my school bus lol. I was seated with Liam, behind us there's Cherish and Louis, behind them there's Riri. and Tata is beside me and Liam (in another seat). Because I'm Indonesian, my English is a little bit sucks (I think), so if I want to talk to the boys, I'll ask to my translator aka Tata lol.

I'm so talkative to Liam, Idk why haha. I told about what's thing outside the bus, and this, and that, and it's like I can't stop it. But he looks happy, I think. He doesn't felt annoyed. oh thank you God! Btw, Cherish likes Louis, but she isn't talkative to Lou. She just sit there and keep silent. how could it be :o

And then, I woke up lol. actually, I'm a little bit forgot about this weird dream :))

Ok thank you for reading my stupid post that told you about my weird dream. Good bye and see you fast! xoxo